Hello ! I’m Kota Kaminaka.


日本有精彩的四季,垂涎的美食,干净的街道,美丽的风景。 很高兴有机会为您捕捉旅途的一幕,希望可以给您留下最美的~~

About me: 我是日本出生长大的华裔 Kota,现在是两个小孩的爸爸。 高中毕业为止一直都在神户,大学4年去了上海念书,后来回到日本东京工作的同时,做兼职摄影师。



Welcome to Japan and nice to meet you!

I am KOTA KAMINAKA, a father of 2kids👶👶 based in Tokyo🗼.

I’m Chinese born and raised up in Kobe-city🇯🇵 till high school, and spent 4years in Shanghai🇨🇳 for my college life.

I started carrying a camera to capture my beloved ones in my daily life📸.

Every moment, whether it's a simple day or a special one, is precious.

I press the shutter so that people can feel happy when they look back someday.

Please feel free to ask me anything!

And if you would like to have a photo shoot(it’s my honor!), even if there are some uncertain dates I can adjust my schedule in many cases.